
Our Student Ministry exists to create authentic, everyday faith that sticks beyond high school.

Click the button below for our Student Ministry Philosophy and how we live out our mission. 

5th – 8th Grade

SUNDAYS @ 9 AM & 11am

This atmosphere is to come together for games, teaching on vital disciplines of the faith and small group. Small groups on Sundays are a little more fluid than Wednesday night. We meet in the Manor House. 


This atmosphere is designed to provide fun, active games, worship, teaching and small groups. Wednesday night small groups have set leaders and groups.

9th – 12th Grade

SUNDAYS @ 9 or 11 AM

We believe our high schoolers aren’t the future of the church, they ARE the church. We desire that high schoolers develop skills of what it means to be part of a church community so we invite them to sit in the auditorium and participate in Sunday Mornings “as an adult” and serve on teams.

Wednesdays @ 7-9 PM

Join us in the Manor House as we invite them to hang out with their friends and small group leaders, hear more about God’s word and discuss in small groups how it applies to their life, eat some good food, and just have fun.

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